Jonathan Jackson


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Jonathan hasnt won any polls yet but as one of my favorite actors I felt he needed to be here but when he wins I'll update ya :-)
and His Bro Richard


Fan fic 1:
This one is based on his real life when with his dad
Yes dad!!!
We need to go now
But dad I'm just getting started
Dont let me tell you again your brother is already in the car
Thats him not me
He ran to get Jon but he started running
Your never catch me.........
It took 15 mins but he finally did  catch him  and when he did oh Jon boy was in for it  he took off his shirt and shorts he was already barefoot then he took off his undies and........
WHACKKKKKKKKKKKK  Smackkkkkkkkkkkkkk Smackkkkkkkkk  with his hand across his butt Smackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk  Smackkkkkkkkkkkk  smackkkkkkkkkkkkk  Smackkkkkkkkkkkk
Ow!!!!!!!!!!!  Smackkkkkkkkkk  mackkkkkkkkkkkk  Next time I tell Smackkkkkkkkkkkkkk  Smackkkkkkkkkkk  Something SMackkkkkkkk  You are gonna Smackkkkkkkkkkkkk  Lisen Smackkkkkkkkkkkkk  Right!!!  Smackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk  Smackkkkkkkkkkk  Yes Dad Smackkkkkkkkkkkkkkk 
Now they continued to the car the whole time his dad holding his arm with one hand and smacking his butt with the other they were up to 56 by the time they got to the car
His mom heard what was going on Jonathan................
Someone take it over from here

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