Freddie Prinze JR


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Freddie Hasnt won the polls YET but I'll update ya when he does :-)
Here you will find realted links fanfic etc



This one is also based on his real life With his girlfriend Sarah Michelle Geller who he just got engaged to while filming the new movie :-)
Freddie that is the last time I tell you to stop looking at the other girls You are with me now act like it
I'm only a man men will look
Whatever You are engaged to me
Another brunette walked by and he turned around look at that butt
Thats its!!!
Go to that wall now turn around the other way and spread them
What are you going to do frisk me LOL
Now spank ya
In public
O you Dont
Watch me
she pulled down his pants she began spanking with her hand
Smackkkkkkkkkkkkk  Smackkkkkkkkkkkkkkk  smackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk  Smackkkkkkkkkkkkk
That same brunette turned around and watched
Smackkkkkkkkkkkkk  Smackkkkkkkkkkkkkkk  Smackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk  smackkkkkkkkkkkkk  smackkkkkkkkkkkkk smavkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Sarah turned around and looked there was bout 50 guys and girls watching
What are you looking at!!!!!
The same brunette asked Can I do it..............
Someone take it over from here

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