FanFic 2: HHH And Undertaker
Title: Dead Man Spanking author: Valerie content: spanking M/M, but not until part 2 summary: Hunter learns the hard way the price of messing with Taker's personal property. disclaimer: I own no one in this story. They are owned by WWE or themselves. The Undertaker was on his way to the hotel and he was mad. He was sharing a room with his boyfriend Hunter and that was who he was mad at. After what Hunter had done to Undertaker's motorcycle, he was gonna make sure Hunter would think about tonight everytime he picked up that sledgehammer he liked to use so much lately. He was gonna have to calm down though, because he didn't plan on doing anything tonight, but on Smackdown Hunter would pay a very big price, his pride. And after tonights events Undertaker was sure it was no less than he deserved. ~ Earlier During Raw~ The two of them had been involved in an on-screen feud for several weeks. But when Hunter had driven Undertaker's motorcycle to the top of the ramp it was not in the script. So it enraged Undertaker even more when Stephanie, Hunter's on-screen wife had brought out the sledgehammer. With each blow to his motorcycle, that rage was renewed. But when Hunter had pushed the motorcycle off the top of the ramp his anger hit the boiling point. After the show he had went to Hunter and Stephanie's dressing room looking for him. "Alright, where is he!?" asked Undertaker as he burst through the door. "He's already gone to the hotel. And he mentioned something about finding a very good hiding place." answered Stephanie. "Well when I get my hands on him his hiding place may be used for a hiding!" he said turning to leave. "Wait a minute." "What, Steph? And don't even try to talk me out of it. I told him after having me arrested on the show a few weeks ago what to expect if he pulled anymore unexpected stunts that aren't in the script!" fumed Undertaker. "Yes, but see he'll be expecting it tonight, and you'll just have to find him wherever he's hiding anyway. So when you find him let him think he's gotten away with it. And then you "punish" him like you're planning to, on Smackdown." said Stephanie. "You do know what I'm planning on doing, don't you?" he asked, then continued, "because isn't Smackdown just a little public for that pnishment considering it's televised?" "And what he did to your motorcycle tonight he did in front of the cameras. Think about that." said Steph. All it took was for Undertaker to hear that to change his mind. He followed Steph into the dressing room, and shut the door. So they could plan exactly how he was gonna go about giving Hunter what he has coming on Smackdown.

Title: Dead Man Spanking author: Valerie
content: spanking M/M summary: Hunter learns the hard way the price of messing with Taker's personal property. disclaimer: I own no one in this story. They are owned by WWE or themselves.
Undertaker was watching Hunter in the ring. He couldn't believe it had been a little over a year since Hunter had busted up his motorcycle. The night it had happened he had been determined that Hunter was was gonna pay with his, and his butt. He had been too angry to do anything about it that night, and after that the timing just never seemed right. Then Hunter had went out with a torn quad muscle the very next month. Things had not been right between him and Hunter after what Hunter had done to his motorcycle, so it had come as no surprise to either of them when their relastionship ended while Hunter was in Alabama undergoing re-hab from his injury. Undertaker knew that now what happened that night over a year ago was the last thing on Hunter's mind. Well he was gonna get his memory refreshed the hard way in just a few minutes. He hadn't had any problems getting his hands on a couple of items he needed for his plan to work. After being banned from the WWF because of being pinned by Hunter in a triple threat match had made Stephanie more than happy to help him. Hunter was in the ring, the title belt slung over his shoulder. Wearing his white tank top with the HHH logo, and his black track pants, as he didn't have a match until later that night. He was bragging about the match the night before which had rid the WWF of Stephanie when Undertaker's music blared through the arena. Hunter glanced up the ramp to see the Undertaker walking toward the ring, carrying two bags. "Well, well, well Hunter. I know you're glad to be back after being out so long. And to have won the belt so soon after coming back, has to have made that comeback that much sweeter" said Undertaker, slowly walking down the ramp. "Yeah, Deadman. It's great being back, and being the Undisputed champion. But I know you're not out here to talk about that, so why don't you just get down to business and tell me why you're really out here interupting me" replied Hunter. "Funny you should mention getting down to business. Since you and I have some unfinished business" Undertaker stated from where he was now standing about halfway down the ramp. "And what would that business be?" asked Hunter sarcastically. "Do you remember my motorcycle and what you did, BOY?!" asked the Undertaker then continued, "I have something here that is equally as dear to you" he added reaching into one of the bags and pulling out Hunter's sledgehammer, and Hunter's dog Lucy. "What are you doing with my dog, and sledgehammer? And how did you get them?" asked Hunter now starting to worry just a little. "Well the way I see it you busted up something of mine with this sledgehammer. I think it's only fair I bust up something of yours" answered Undertaker, placing Lucy on the ground in front of him. Holding her in place with a leash, while in the other hand the sledgehammer was raised ready to strike. "Let go of that sledgehammer, and leave my dog alone!" shouted Hunter. Now standing on the bottom rope, and leaning over it slightly as he yelled at Undertaker, he never noticed Stephanie sneak into the ring behind him until she pushed him. That push was just enough that he lost his footing on the bottom rope, and ended up bent over the top rope bottom up. At that moment to make sure he didn't go anywhere else Stephanie took out two pairs of handcuffs, she then handcuffed one hand to the middle rope, and one ankle to the bottom rope so he couldn't even get out of this upended position. "Hunter, you should thank Steph later for helping me get you right where I want you. And fot helping me get my hands on the dog and sledgehammer to use as bait" said Undertaker entering the ring, and handing Lucy to Stephanie who took the dog and headed up the ramp and backstage. "This isn't funny, Taker. Now let me loose!" shouted Hunter, frantically straining against the handcuffs restraining him. "Not until you've learned a lesson in respect for others and their property" replied Undertaker, as he yanked Hunter's track pants down to his ankles, leaving him in only the white tank top and his trademark black leather wrestling trunks with his logo on the butt while pulling a paddle out of one of the bags he had with him, then he continued, "But first I have someone who wants to help. Since you seem to like pulling down his wrestling tights so much" said Undertaker as Kurt Angle's music blared through the arena. Kurt ran to the ring, more than happy to give Hunter a taste of the same embarssment Hunter had given him for a couple of weeks now. "Oh, you're gonna get yours Hunter. It's true, it's true!" laughed Kurt as he yanked Hunter's wrestling trunks down to his knees. With that Taker raised the paddle then slammed it down full force on Hunter's bare bottom. CRAAAAACK! "OWWWW! Okay, you made your point. I'll never bust up anything of yours again. Now let me loose!" said Hunter. "BOY, that was just a warm up shot. We're nowhere near finished" replied Undertaker. As he started a relentess attack on Hunter's backside. CRACK! SMACK! WHACK! CRACK! CRAACK! Hunter was wriggling, and squirming trying to get his bottom out of harms way. "OWWW! Please....please I OWWW!_won't touch OHHH!_your motorcyle YEOWWW!_again OWOHHIE!" "I should hope not. But I'll just drive that lesson home now so you'll remember it" replied Taker right before delivering five more rapid fire swats. CRACK!SMACK!CRAAAACK!SMAAACK!CRAACK! "Now that you know what will happen if you ever bust up anything of mine with that sledgehammer again, let me just say next time instead of a paddle I will bust your ass with that sledgehammer." said Undertaker as he unlocked the handcuffs holding Hunter in place then helped him to his feet. As soon as Hunter's hands were free they went right to his battered backside trying to rub out some of the pain. Then very carefully he eased his wrestling trunks over his sore, swollen bottom as he realized too how excruciatingly painful his match later was gonna be for his bottom seeing as his opponent for the night was Kurt Angle, and he would know what area to target the whole match. As he started up the ramp towards the back, he however was pulled back into a fierce hug. "Please, don't ever make me have to do that again. Because I hated having to do that as much as you hated me doing it." said the Undertaker, as he grabbed Hunter's hand and they walked to the back together, hand in hand.