Title: The RECIPE For A Spanking author: Valerie content: spanking summary: what happens when Jason decides to steal a couple of jars of the recipe and experiment in drinking? disclaimer: I do not own any characters in this. They belong to whoever has rights to The Waltons
Jason Walton was one very bored 15 year old right now. He had decided to go with his grandfather Zeb Walton to visit some of their neighbors, Miss Emily and Miss Mamie the Baldwin sisters. The Baldwin sisters were famous on Walton's Mountain for "The Recipe" which was actually moonshine that they made there in their home. Their father having left everything to make it, and the recipe with them when he died. Jason had thought that this was just gonna be a short visit, so he had asked to go with his grandfather. Plus he had ulterior motives. To get ahold of a couple of jars of the recipe, and meet his friend Garry at the pond to fish, and have their first taste of the recipe. He could tell however this trip was gonna be longer than he thought, because Miss Mamie had now mentioned getting some of the recipe for some refreshment. However that was when Jason saw his chance. The ladies had gotten out three jars of the recipe. One for grandpa and them to enjoy now, and two they were giving to grandpa for him to have later. As they went into the living room they opened one jar to pour three cups, sitting the other two jars on the table. It was at that time Jason loudly cleared his throat to get their attention, and all three adults turned to look. "Grandpa, if it's alright I'm gonna go now. Garry and I were planning on doing some fishing this afternoon" said Jason. "Well run on along then. I sure would love a mess of fish for supper anyway. But I would prefer the company of two beautiful ladies than two teenage boys and some fish this afternoon" replied grandpa. As the adults sat drinking the recipe and talking Jason started on his way out and unseen by the three adults in the room was able to get both jars of the recipe that were on the table hidden under his jacket before leaving. Twenty minutes later found Jason getting to the pond fishing pole in hand. Garry was already there impatiently waiting for him. "What took so long?" asked Garry "Well I did have to go to the Baldwin's with grandpa to be able to get any of the recipe. And I had to make sure I got out with it without being seen." answered Jason as he pulled out the two jars of the recipe that were hidden under his jacket. *****************Later ThatEvening**************** Three hours later it was supper time at the Walton house, and no sign of Jason. At that time a very angry looking Zeb Walton came through the back door. "Any of you seen Jason?" asked grandpa. "No, pa we haven't. But he should be along here soon. He knows it's supper time and not to be late." replied John Walton, then he continued, "Besides I thought Jason was at the Baldwin's with you." "Oh he was. Then he left to go fishing with Garry, or so he said." Zeb answered his son, not knowing if he should say more just yet about the missing jars of the recipe, that he and the Baldwin sisters had not noticed until right before Zeb was leaving. "Why would you think that he wasn't fishing if he told you he was?" asked Zeb's daughter-in-law Olivia, as she finally sat down at the table with the rest of the rather large Walton clan, minus Jason. It looked as if he was gonna be late after all. "Well Livvie, now don't you go getting mad at the boy just yet when I tell you this, because I don't know for sure that it was him who took it," started grandpa before being interrupted by Olivia. "Took what?" answered Livvie wanting some answers as to why grandpa would even think of accusing Jason of taking anything and lying. "Let me finish" said grandpa then continued,"Just as the Baldwin's were bringing out some of the recipe he told me he was gonna go on so he and Garry could go fishing. Now the Baldwin's had brought out three jars of the recipe one for us then, and two they sat on the table to give to me when I came home. When I got ready to leave we noticed the two jars on the table were gone. He was the only other person in the house" answered grandpa. Just as Olivia was gonna protest the back door flew open and Jason could be heard singing, a slightly off key and very slurred version of "Your Cheating Heart" not even paying any attention to the rest of his family sitting there in shock at their brother in this drunken state he walked to his mother pulled her up, and tried to dance her around the kitchen while still singing. "Your cheatin heart, will tell on you," he sang very slurred and trying to stay on his feet while dancing his mother around the kitchen, finally tripping and falling to the floor puling Livvie with him. "Jason Walton! What is the meaning of this? Coming home drunk, and after you told your grandpa you were going fishing with Garry" said Olivia very upset now after she had gotten to her feet, and helped Jason to his feet. "But Mama, Garry and I did go fishing at the pond. See what I caught?" he said, handing her a glass jar that reeked of what she knew was the recipe with only two very small fish in it, as he continued, "I guess you could say we gathered at the river" he said then starting in singing a drunken version of Shall We Gather At the River "Shall weeeee, gatherrrrr attt thhhhe rivvvverrrr!" Now Olivia was really seeing red. Not only had Jason stolen those two jars of the recipe, and then come home drunk, but now he had the nerve to stand there singing a church hymn while drunk. "I'll make you think gathering at the river!" said Olivia, grabbing Jason by an ear and dragging him out the door to the yard. Once out there she cut a very firm sturdy looking switch, and started back to the house all landing swats to Jason's bottom with the switch the whole way. Once back inside she sat in the first chair she came to, unbuttoned Jason's pants pulled them down to his knees then pulled him over her knee. As she started to undo the flap on the back of his long underwear Jason was already begging. "Noooo! Mamma, please not the switch. Please, not on my bare bottom." After lowering the flap Livvie started in. She had only landed two swats with the switch however when Jason started yelling. But this time not from the pain. "Mammma, please let me up. Please I don't feel so good. Mammmma please, I think I'm gonna be sick." said Jason trying his best to squirm free of Livvie's grasp. Livvie noting the desperation in his tone released a very pale looking Jason from her grasp and helped him to his feet. She quickly buttoned the flap on his long underwear, and started to pull his pants back up when he took off running for the back door, and emptied the contents of his stomach in the grass right outside the back door. Olivia knowing that Jason was now sick, and that his body now was gonna punish him far worse than any whipping she could give him went ahead and put the switch down, and went to the table to finish her supper. When Jason came back into the kitchen still very pale looking at first no one said a word. There was a tense silence until John spoke to his son. "Upstairs, get into your pajamas, and bed NOW!" said John. Jason not wanting to further anger his parents quickly made his way to the stairs. As he got to the bottom of the stairs grandpa spoke up. "Jason, tomorrow morning you and I will be making a trip over to the Baldwin's and you will apologize for taking those jars of the recipe. And after that you and I are gonna have a very long talk picking up where your Mama left off" he said. "Oh no" groaned Jason under his breath, as he made his way upstairs. Already dreading immensely the next day. TBC.........